April News & Updates

April News & Updates

Hi HTS community,

We wanted to keep all you updated and informed with all things HTS this month.

Starting off - The third annual Fashion for a Cause event is happening May 9th at the Unifor Hall in Ingersoll.  This will be a night filled with fashion inspiration from our fellow local retailers, all while supporting DASO women’s shelter in Woodstock. Message your girlfriends and make it a fun night out!  For more details and to grab your tickets click here.

During last week's Wear it Wednesday segment, we presented various outfit combinations using only 3 pants, 3 tops, and a dress. Britt, Mel, Jenn, and Lisa (now at 27 weeks pregnant) showcased how to mix and match these pieces. You can revisit the mix and match try on session under our highlights by following this link.

Don't forget about our ongoing giveaway! Share your favorite HTS outfits and styles on social media for a chance to win a $50 gift card. Remember to tag us or send us your photo to enter this month.

If you're still reading this email we appreciate you so much!  Would you have a spare moment to give us a quick google review?  This would mean the world to us and every quick review helps us grow.  If you love the shop, our products and service please let others know.  If you are unsatisfied in any way, also let us know by responding to this email so we can address.  If you could, please share the love by clicking here

As always, enjoy the day,


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